Freshman Academy

Starting Fresh, Finishing Strong

The mission of the Freshman Academy is to provide a holistic and supportive transitional environment from middle school to high school. 



  • Create an environment where students feel connected to their school family.
  • Provide opportunities for students to experience the two career academies (HHS & ITI). 
  • Support students so that they end their freshman year on pace to graduate.


The Freshman Academy is designed to support students as they transition from middle school to high school.  Teachers collaborate to develop common expectations for students and develop materials, activities, and events to support students' successful completion of their first year of high school.  Another focus of the team is to help students make an informed decision as to which of the college and career academies they will enroll in beginning their sophomore year.  

Freshman Administrator
Mr. John Grob

Freshman Chair
Mr. Bret Davis

Freshman Counselor
Mr. Jason MacKay